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New Webhost in nginx loadbalancer

As previous post. i've added 2 webserver as the primary webfiles, below are some additional step in the pictures how you can add a new webserver to the loadbalancer group.

Configure a new WebServer, u may find this post usefull.

Login into nginx server and edit the following files, or you may follow the content in here.
@lb:~#vi /etc/nginx/sites-available/default (or whatever config your are using)

append and added new line for newly configured server to the list.
upstream app_server {
        ip_hash;                        # Delete this if u wan't to use the default round-robin methods
        server web1;
        server web2;
        server web3;                 #Newly addded server

That it's, you have up scale your webhost server, now it can support more users than before. 

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