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Mining Bitcoin & Lightcoin

Mining bitcoin & lightcoin,?I've been wasted my resources to be online 24/7 for running my own server,  now with the same hardware i hope the unused resource can be used to mine the bitcoin or lightcoin. I know it will not gain as much as the hardcore miners, but i do hope it can mine me some of the coins, rather than it being idle when my members not using it. Currently the miner is still on the testing phase,
But from past 2 weeks i see on the transaction on triplemining my machine can get an average 0.14 block daily and from fabulouspanda for lightcoin, still on learning how to mine it's. For those who still don't know what these coins means, do check on the links provided. Check out the current bitcoin rates today, you'll be suprise.

For those out there who's running an average 24/7 server and wanna start cpu mining, let's hook's up a minipoolsread more to know how it's going to works.

"Bitcoin mining is not for the faint of heart, nor for the mathematically challenged. Invest only what you can afford to lose. Or better yet, enjoy this crazy sideshow from the bleachers."
- Quoted from tomshardware 

Below are my id, and i do appreciates for a cup of coffees.


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